Fibabanka Cash Loan products are always here for your urgent cash needs!
Fibabanka offers you Debtors Current Credits to ease the financial burden of your company. Debtors Current Credits are extended to meet short-term financing needs. They allow withdrawals of any amount at any time within the loan limits and maturity for your company.
Fibabanka offers Spot Loans which you can borrow a lump sum to meet the short-term cash needs of your enterprise with a fixed maturity and interest rate, and pay back the whole sum at maturity as principal plus accrued interest.
Possible market fluctuations do not affect you since Spot Loans fix the maturity and interest rates of the loan extension. For more information, please visit our nearest branch.
It is easier to finance your commercial businesses via the Installment Commercial Loans. The Installment Commercial Loan product is for lump-sum use and differs according to the needs of your enterprise. Its maturity can be up to 60 months, the repayments are made monthly and in equal installments as principal + interest + other deductions within the defined maturity period. Depending on your needs, you can benefit from this loan along with the expertise of Fibabanka for financing your working capital or investments.
The loan which makes the life of the exporter easier!
Your company can borrow these loans in TRY or FX and put your mind at ease when you engage in services and activities (i.e.,exports, domestic sales and deliveries) like exports. Your company can borrow these loans before the shipment that you are exporting under convenient conditions and maturities.
Enjoy liquidating the short-term bills and cheques arising from your company's commercial transactions easily before maturity.
At Fibabanka, the Commercial Overdraft Account lets you make the payments of your cheques, invoices and other regular payments on time. You can use the loan defined to your deposit account whenever you wish.