Through our Mobile and Internet Banking channels, you can transfer funds in TRY to the contracted cryptocurrency trading platforms on 24/7 basis, and easily conduct investment transactions without wasting any time.
Through Fibabanka’s Mobile and Internet Banking channels, you can transfer funds in TRY directly to the contracted cryptocurrency trading platforms at any time on 24/7 basis, including weekends, after hours or public holidays, and easily conduct investment transactions without wasting any time.
You can access Kripto Market under Finansal Market or Transcations menu through Fibabanka Mobile and Internet Banking channels
The cryptocurrency trading platforms, to which you can transfer funds instantly*
* Our bank acts as an intermediary for only TRY fund transfers to cryptocurrency trading platforms. Our bank may not be held liable for any transaction our customers could conduct on cryptocurrency trading platforms. Any announcement made and any information provided by our Bank on this matter do not constitute and cannot be considered investment consultancy.
Download Fibabanka Mobile by scanning the QR code on your mobile phone, and start transferring TRY funds to Cryptocurrenty Trading Platforms now!